Friday, September 19, 2008

I Love You !!

This phrase can win the accolade for the Most Familiar Phrase In The Human Linguistics. Each and every person on this planet has heard, read, listened or even spoken this phrase once in its life. What does this phrase convey? passion; warmth; sense of reducing proximities; a desire to hold one's hand; a desire to do anything to meet your mate's demands; commitment !!

Sounds easy na !! Is it really that easy?? :)

In english language while understanding the meaning of a word we use many techniques: one of them is through synonyms, already done above; a second technique which I find more convincing is to break the word into its roots and from the meanings of the roots we conclude the meaning of the word. I plan to use a similar kind of approach here. Let us split the phrase into the three visible parts: 'I', 'Love' and 'You'.

Ask a kindergarten student what does 'I' and 'You' mean. I am here to discuss something more important, more substantial- the meaning of 'Love'.

Before you read ahead you must know that I am neither a philosopher nor a PhD in Love. I have not had any girlfriends to know the intimate meaning of this word. But what I have is a belief and relationships to manage responsibly so as to experience the feeling of this word. Yet I am no expert :)

As i would define, 'Love' is a sense of understanding that you give to someone when you are around them.

When you are around a stranger you are giving him/her the understanding that, we are no different from being a mere human, in this arena and that we can feel comfortable in each other's presence. That is love.

When you were a kid and your parents used to take youto market, they always hold your hand. That touch is telling you that no matter what happens, I am not going to leave your hand but if circumstances are so cruel to make me do so, I will find you soon and my blessings are always with you wherever you go. That is love.

When you go out on a journey, there is always someone on the other side of the window to bid you safe journey. That tender wave of hand tells the air surrounding you, I am leaving him in your safe hands. Don't let your flow uncomfort him. That is love.

When you first went to school, the teacher took your hand from your parents'. The smile that teacher wears tells them, don't worry your child is safe in my hands. He will become what you think of him to be. That smile reflected on your parents' face says to you, I trust the teacher, go with him and win horizons. That is love.

When you made your first friend, the first handshake was to tell you, We will lead on this path together whatever may come in way. We will always help each other. That sense of understanding, care and responsibility is love.

When you were upset for your first mistake and your friend sat around, that silent presence speaks to you, I am here now, we will correct everything. That silence is love.

There are uncountable instances in life when we are shown love but hardly we notice it and thus they become unaccountable.

If there were an instrument which could help listen to the sounds that run in silence of the moment, embraces and the gestures a man experiences over his lifetime, I bet he would hear LOVE most of the times, there would not be any hatred as we see today and I would not be writing this.

So go out today and tell people that you love them for it is too small world to hate but endless to spread love.


KiSSofliF3 said...

I loved that part which said love is an instrument. I love this kind of a correlation. Very vividly written. Good one! And as u suggested in the last line, I'm gonna say IT! Starting wid u, I love u!! :P

KiSSofliF3 said...

Oops! Love isn't an instrument, I read it wrong. But I still feel love wud as well classify as an instrument to hear that sound that u called 'love'. Love hears love!

KiSSofliF3 said...

"the uncountable instances become unaccountable instances"... i'm lovin it!!

MEET said...

Mote yaar PHD ki hai tune to jhooth bolta hai :P Tere ko kya ho gaya hai aajkal philossopher kaise ban gaya tu yaar kahan kahan se soch kar blog likhta hai.. Gr8 job yaar lage rahoooo!!!!

Pooja Saha said...

i dont have many gud words fr yes ankit...oopsie...Likhit this is a gud job!worth spending my time reading it.The best part was the teacher and parent one!All the best!

wolverine said...

i love u bro... so u also show ur love :D give me a daaru party sometime :D