Monday, March 30, 2009

The Earth Hour !

The Earth Day, as I understand, is to utilize the resources that the mother earth provides us with optimization so that each n everyone gets to utilize it in need, for that day. Though, we should do that more often but that is the tragedy we need to live with.

The concept of the Earth Hour, as promoted, was to switch off all the electrical appliances for 1 hour in order to save electricity and to save the climate from getting ruined. The request was made to the complete world. Many people paid heed but many did not.

I am grateful to those who did and also to those who did not. Why??

The power stations are our providers of electricity. They burn coal, heat water, circulate it through pipelines, rotate turbines and generate power on a dynamo which has its own speed limit which varies inversely with the load the dynamo is supposed to bear. This means, higher the load, less speed of the dynamo but if lesser the load then higher the speed of dynamo.

But, we cannot allow the dynamo to reach the speed of light, else it would convert into energy (E=mc^2) and would disappear.

Hence, we limit its speed to a certain value, beyond which the dynamo gets cutoff. When the speed comes down, below the threshold, it again starts rotating.

Can you tell me what is that process that is continuously going on irrespective of the speed of dynamo?? The coal is being burnt unstoppingly.

So what had happened when lot of people switched off their electrical appliances simultaneously, for 1 hour?? The load on the dynamo has decresed resulting in the increase of its speed. This means that the dynamo could have reached the threshold and the power would not have been produced during that time while the amount of coal was being burnt continuously for that period.

Had everyone swithced off their appliances, the dynamo would have definitely reached the threshold and would have stopped running while the coal is still burning and it is going to waste. Now you would suggest, shut the power plants for that hour !! For those of you who say so, pay a visit to any power plant and learn why a power plant cannot be shut down suddenly and restarted in no time.

Hence, I am grateful to those people who have not switched off the appliances.

But why am I grateful to those who did??

When many people shut down the appliances, the power generated was directed to those distribution channels where regular power cuts happen. Hence, for one hour they 'might' have received good voltage of electricity.

This means that by the combined effort of those who switched off the appliances and who did not, the power was delivered to the needy people for that duration and may be afterwords as well and also the coal burning did not go to waste.

Anyhow, we all celebrated the Earth Hour !!


Tanaya said...

a good picture of the two sides of the story... well put.

Tejas Chafekar said...

the only conclusion i can draw is... PPE ke tests me tu soya nahi hoga.. pakka :D :D .. phod dia.. good one :)

Nalini said...

nice... but it was Earth Hour and not Earth Day if I am not wrong... btw there are 2 earth days - 20th march and 22nd april :)

L!kh!t said...

thanks for the correction nalini :)

wolverine said...

nice no mention of a mysterious person who tole u all that!!!

L!kh!t said...

ohh the person isnt mysterious and he dint tell me anything...
it was a combined effort...
well the credit goes to akhil \m/

Pranav Jawale said...

what happened to ur post on avk?

L!kh!t said...

i removed it considering the brand equity i had put on stake via that blog !

Mahesh Jakhotia said...

Awesome post !!