Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just a thought !!

On a white canvas, I was painting a scenery, wherein I was in a beautiful valley with myself.

I was thinking...not about how my life is going but how could such a scenery exist in this world... suddenly I realised some one's presence around me. But I could see no one. I looked here and there, looked back at myself...yes myself the painter...I could see a hesitation in his hands. They were trembling. I tried to know why his hands were trembling. The painter was having an idea of drawing a figure which would encompass the qualities of softness in nature, freeness in thoughts, aiming to fly high and would love me.

He was having so many images in his minds but none fit in properly. Every image lacked one or the other quality. Every time he drew a figure, he had to rub off for it was not perfect.
The presence that I was feeling rose because of that trembling.
That trembling increased as he kept on drawing figures and erasing them. The result was faced by me, a strong wind blew. It was not any ordinary wind, but was instilled with the grief, sorrow and desperateness of the painter- desperateness to provide me with someone worth me.

Consequence: I was blown by the wind and was gone far off from the reach of the thoughts of the painter. I was lost and so was my painter.

He could do nothing but start painting on another canvas.

Thoughts are like clouds, they keep floating by. One can always retrieve the thoughts but can only cherish the moments gone in those thoughts.

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