Looks like I finally got something to scribble
Well I am currently at IMT Nagpur. (Please google about it).
MBA program is completely different from any course in this world. You read books but do not cram it. You understand things but understand their implications in real world and not in hypothetical problems.
This course brings about a change in your personality. I could notice change within 3months of my joining.
B school is a perfect place if u wish to meet a good blend of people. I call it a good blend of people because you meet all kinds in everyone. You meet friendly, caring, opportunist, rude, attitude driven, modest, cool, carefree, cunning, wicked, buggers and many more types of people.
I have met a lot in these 3.5 months. Whoa that sounds like some proper time utilization.
A new place has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Advantage - I get to experiment your ideas. I meet people from varied backgrounds. I meet people ranging from 19yrs to 29 yrs of age.
Disadvantage - There are people to grab any opportunity even snatch from your hand. Many people are manipulative and hence easy going people need to pay a price to them. You try new things. You try new stupidities. You pay a heavy toll.
Are you really getting the essence of what am I trying to say??
If not, we are on same boat :)
Well, recently I have committed few mistakes. Few which can be rectified and few which will make me pay for my life.
The factors which make you commit msitakes - Ignorance and Trust
In my ignorance I did a very stupid thing and then I trusted someone and am paying a price for both... may be for life now
Few days back I had my birthday. My colleagues from a committee celebrated my birthday. I cut a cake. However, I would like to think it as an obligation but truth is that may be they really wanted to celebrate that I was born. well I am glad that they displayed a little affection.
Well the real shock was still on its way. My corridor mates, everyone of whom I am good with, did not even bother to order a cake for me. I did not cut a cake with my so-called friends. I wished to feel the center of attraction but I was not. My roomie had thrown a party the previous night. I went there and few wished me. Rest came along just to whack my ass.
It has been the worst birthday of my life till date and I do not wish to face any worse.
I know it is rude to say that and am sorry for all of those who really were happy that I was born. But do not u get sad when u do not get what u deserve.
I do not have a group as such in this place. May be that is what is called professional college.
I am a big introvert and I really need people around me who really care about me.
You know I share my birthdate with my PAPA... That was the only reason for me to be glad on this birthday.
It is hard sometimes to believe that your one stupid activity ruins ur relationships.
DAMN IT !! I am a human. Do not I have a right to be forgiven !!??